Friday, November 22, 2019

My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel

My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel Dan Burns is the author of A Fine Line and Recalled to Life. He is also an award-winning writer for the screen and stage. In this article, Dan talks about overcoming the â€Å"where do I start?† question that plagues many writers at the onset of their career. His advice for overcoming that doubt? Start small, and see where your story takes you. Stop asking, â€Å"Where do I start?† and just startMany people talk about being a writer but have difficulty actually getting started. Writing is hard, and often the ideas are there but the approach is elusive. Where do I start?  I get that: it’s scary to put yourself out there and not see your ideas pan out the way you want them to. That’s why I recommend starting small and building on an idea over time. This approach helps me maintain my status as a working writer and overcome roadblocks. If putting your ideas out there scares you, start small and build your story slowly. As for Sebastian Drake, he continues to bug me to write as his story still has so much room for growth. I can only imagine where he’ll take me next.A Fine Line  is available in hard cover  and on  Amazon Kindle.For more information, visit Dan Burns' website.Please  share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Dan Burns, in the comments below!

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